Our mentoring program will help you doing your first steps in Austria, and make you feel welcome in Linz from the very beginning. Therefore we have arranged groups consisting of 2-3 mentors and 4-5 students. We recommend you to get in touch with your mentors via Facebook or e-mail in advance. You are highly encouraged to ask them any questions you might have about your stay in Austria – also, please tell them when and how you will arrive in Linz, so they can pick you up.
The major tasks of your mentors are:
- Picking you up at the train station or airport in Linz when you arrive
- Showing you around on campus and the city
- Help you with shopping groceries, bedclothes and other stuff you will need during your semester
- Introduce you to the Austrian culture
- Help you during enrollment and dealing with Austrian bureaucracy
Your mentors are helping you on voluntary basis, therefore keep in mind that they do not get any payment for it. Most of them do a really great job and are applying again each semester, so you can look forward to meet them. We hope you will be happy with your group, if you experience problems or difficulties (e.g. nobody can pick you up), please contact us so we can help.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor contact us at [email protected] :)
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